The Perennial Philosophy - also referred to as the Prisca Theologia - is believed to be the core truth of the world's religions, the golden thread which ties seemingly diverse wisdom traditions into a coherent whole. The theory lines up with the work of alternate historians, scholars, archeologists and anthropologists such as Schwaller De Lubicz, Graham Hancock, John Anthony West, Robert Bauval and many others, who propose a much longer history of human civilization than is conventionally believed. It turns out the history of the world is far from being cut and dry, and there is new evidence constantly being uncovered which attests to the genius of the ancient minds of humans. To do a complete survey of the broad spectrum of information and profound evidence related to this theory would entail many volumes, therefore the scope of this short essay is to provide a general overview of some major points which relate to the subject.
Graham Hancock has been one of the foremost exponents in advancing a new version of human history. In his landmark book "Fingerprints of the Gods", Mr. Hancock does an amazing overview of the evidence for a lost civilization of prehistory. He examines archeological examples from around the world and points out the advanced knowledge by which they were created. He says:
“Not for the first time I felt myself confronted by the dizzying possibility that an entire episode in the story of mankind might have been forgotten. Indeed it seemed to me then, as I overlooked the mathematical city of the gods from the summit of the Pyramid of the Moon, that our species could have been afflicted with some terrible amnesia and that the dark period so blithely and dismissively referred to as `prehistory' might turn out to conceal unimagined truths about our own past. What is prehistory, after all, if not a time forgotten--a time for which we have no records? What is prehistory if not an epoch of impenetrable obscurity through which our ancestors passed but about which we have no conscious remembrance? It was out of this epoch of obscurity, configured in mathematical code along astronomical and geodetic lines, that Teotihuacan with all its riddles was sent down to us. And out of that same epoch came the great Olmec sculptures, the inexplicably precise and accurate calendar the Mayans inherited from their predecessors, the inscrutable geoglyphs of Nazca, the mysterious Andean city of Tiahuanaco ... and so many other marvels of which we do not know the provenance. It is almost as though we have awakened into the daylight of history from a long and troubled sleep, and yet continue to be disturbed by the faint but haunting echoes of our dreams” ―Graham Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods: The Evidence of Earth's Lost Civilization
In Hancock's forthcoming book, "Magicians of the Gods", he presents evidence of a worldwide cataclysm that happened around 12,800 years ago which wiped out an advanced civilization of the last Ice Age. This would explain the existence mysterious megalithic structures from seemingly disperse cultures from around the world. With the recent discoveries of sites such as Gobekli Tepe, more and more confirmation of an alternate human history continues to come to light. Gobekli Tepe was discovered in South-East Turkey and only around 5% of the entire megalith has been excavated. The site has huge columns that are 16 feet high and weigh anywhere between 7-10 TONS. The structure is believed to be built anywhere between 12,00 and 14,00 years ago. It appears to have been deliberately buried in sand in an attempt to preserve its secrets. But why?
It is clear that the advanced science, mathematics and architecture employed in the Great Pyramids as well as pyramids across every continent, was not openly documented and distributed amongst the general population. Instead it appears to have been occulted in the so called "primitive" mythology and religions of ancient culture. What better way to preserve a truth than to hide it in plain sight? In this way, the story could be passed down from generation to generation, hiding the essential truth from the masses yet preserving it for those who have eyes to see. It is likely the case that when one would become initiated into the mysteries of the priesthood of Egypt, the hidden keys to the myth and religion would be slowly unveiled to the initiate. There are many reasons to believe modern Freemasonry is a shell of such a tradition. The masses are always fed the EXOTERIC story whereas the initiates are taught the ESOTERIC truth. I believe this is the true meaning to the symbol of the Vatican, the Gold key and Silver key. For more evidence on the connection of ancient architecture and science check out Richard Cassaro's book "Written in Stone" and Manly P Hall's book "The Lost Keys to Freemasonry"
“. . . under all (the) confusion of particularist doctrines, there remains a Highest Common Factor, which is the Perennial Philosophy in what may be called its chemically pure state.” -Aldous Huxley
The idea was more widely popularized by Aldous Huxley in 1945 when he published his book "The Perennial Philosophy", just after World War II. The book is basically an anthology of writings from various religions, mystics and philosophies in an attempt to show their underlying common unity. Isaac Newton and many within his inner circle believed in the Prisca Theologia. It is now provable that Newton was first and foremost interested in Alchemy and Esotericism. In 1936 a large catalog of Alchemical writings by Isaac Newton were put up for auction. The manuscripts had been labeled "not fit for printing" after his death. His true interests and inspiration were hidden for a few hundred years after his death. The story that we were all told about his discovery of gravity by being hit on the head from a falling apple is just a fairy tale that points towards the real truth, he was studying the Tree of Life and the Kabbalah. He was hit with the fruit of knowledge from the Tree of Life. Newton is now known to have written over a million words on the subject of Alchemy, and it turns out that many Alchemists believe their Art survived in the form of cross-cultural religions and mythologies from a Golden Age of pre-history. Newton deliberately kept his esoteric interests secret to the public because of the justified fear of being thought of as crazy. For one example of Newton drawing upon ancient knowledge for his science, it is understood that he needed to know the size of the earth to develop his theory of gravity, so he studied the structure and dimensions of the Egyptian Pyramids which encode precise these geological measurements. It appears that he had knowledge of such a high caliber that it was only responsible to keep it secret. Is it purely coincidental that Newton was appointed to be Director of the Mint of England, with the responsibility of managing the country's gold?
"Because the way by the Mercurial principle may be impregnated has been thought fit to be concealed by others that have know it, and therefore may possibly be an inlet to something more noble that is not to be communicated without immense damage to the world if there be any verity in [the warning of the] Hermetic writers. There are other things besides the transmutation of metals which none but they understand."-Isaac Newton
Scholar and author Tim Wallace-Murphy outlines compelling evidence in his book "Cracking the Symbol Code" that the three "Abrahamic" religions, Judaism, Christianity, Islam all come from a singular mother religion - most likely from Egypt. It is widely known and accepted that they all come from the patriarch Abraham, Ibrahim, or Abram. Etymologically, Abraham stems from Ab-Ram or "Father Ram". The Ram holds a place of high significance in these religious traditions. According to philosophy of Astrotheology this would be because the Ram represents Aries which is the head and the begging sign of the Zodiac. It is interesting to note that Aries falls in March which is spring for much of the world, or the beginning of the year. If we examine the etymology of the months starting with September, we have Sept- which is the prefix for septenary or seven, October, Oct- or the prefix for octagon or 8, November, Nov- for 9, December or Dec- as in decagon for 10. This leaves the last two months of winter, January and February for 11 and 12 which would make March the beginning of the new year. This breakdown correlates exactly with the astrological position of Aries being the Ram's horns or the head, the beginning of spring - thus the return of life from the death of Winter.
We know that in Judaism the time of worship is the Sabbath which is Saturday or Saturn's day, Christianity is Sunday or the Sun's day, and Islam is Monday or the Moon's day. In each religion we can see a particular emphasis on the particular orb which represents the day of worship. In Hebrew Saturn is called Shabbatai which comes from Shabbat, thus the Sabbath. Sunday is the day attributed to the Sun, or God's Sun - the Light of the World, who takes away the darkness. The flag of Islam displays the color green, the crescent moon, and a five pointed star. All of these traditionally symbolize the feminine, the moon and Venus. Thus they worship on the Moon's day. In Islam the holy of holies is the Kaba which is the giant black cube at Mecca. Muslims go to the Kaba to worship Allah. Kaba-Allah or Kabbalah. The black cube has always been the symbol for the Prima Materia of Alchemy, the Philosopher's Stone or the "Stone that fell from Heaven". Many Alchemists have also been Kabbalists and have believed that the Tarot and Kabbalah encode Alchemical secrets. Within the esoteric tradition the three Abrahamic faiths form a unity.
Timothy Hogan, who is a Past Master of Freemasonry, 32nd degree Mason, Knight Templar of the York Rite, knight of the Royal Order of Scotland, Martinist, and Grand Master of the Templar Ordue Sovereign du Temple Initiatique, has written several books which advance the Prisca Theologia/Perennial Philosophy. These include "Revelation of the Holy Grail", "Entering the Chain of Union", "The Alchemical Keys to Freemasonic Ritual" and "The 32 Secret Paths of Solomon". I have read all of these and I highly recommend them to anyone who is deeply interested in this line of research. They are all incredibly well written and packed with amazing scholarship. Mr. Hogan displays how the Gnostic name for God - IAO - unites the three Abrahamic faiths.
In summary, within the esoteric and occult traditions of the worlds religions there is an underlying knowledge that has been transmitted through the ages. This knowledge is hidden in glyph, symbol, myth, and architecture around the world. The megalithic structures of the world, as well as the ancient Cathedrals such as Rosslyn and Chartes are essentially "Books Written in Stone". Esoteric traditions such as Gnosticism, Rosicrucianism, Martinism, Sufism, Kabbalah, Taoism, Templarism and Freemasonry share an underlying synthesis of profound wisdom and science. Through our deeper understanding of these traditions we can reconcile our collective indigenous heritage and create bridges where there would otherwise be walls. Our reintigration and reconciliation of these Wisdom Traditions can help heal the schism that has been created between our Objective and Subjective realities, or Science and Spirituality. In this way a holistic approach to technology can be kindled which will bring balance our technology with Nature. We live in a profound time where access to this kind of information is pivotal in creating harmony between cultures and religions which continue to be used for division and violence.
Its time to gather the scattered.
"[It is supposed that] Freemasonry 'originated' in the association of operative Masons, who, in the Middle Ages, traveled through Europe, whom built the Cathedrals and Monasteries. But the secrets these operative Masons had were received from the Chaldean Magicians.. These Chaldean or Turanian Priests were the working or operative Masons of the old Egyptian Stellar Mythos Cult, from the seventeenth Nome of Upper Egypt, and were styled Companions.
They were initiated only into the first few degrees of the seven because their main responsibility was to only look after the building of the Temples and keep the primary secrets. There are Seven Primary Mysteries, which were Astro-Mythological. The Greater Mysteries belonging to the Egyptian Eschatology were ten in number. It is possible to trace these old Turanians back to Egypt, all the way back to Early Totemic Sociology. In Africa there exist some of the Nilotic Negroes, descendants of those who first formed the "Nomes" in Egypt. Those who formed the seventeenth Nome are now "the Elgunono." These tribes still form as a "secret brotherhood" and by some are called the Blacksmiths. They still use many of the primary Signs and Symbols that the Masons use.
The Stellar Cult existed for at least three hundred thousand years. These people went out and traveled over Europe, Asia, part of North and South America, Central America, and the Islands of the Pacific, as well as Africa. The remains and ruins of the large cities and Temples found throughout the world were mostly built by these people. They worked out all the revolutions of the Sun, Moon, and Stars and Ritual of Ancient Egypt upon which all doctrines throughout the world have been founded." -Albert Churchwood from "The Arcana of Freemasonry"

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