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DNA and the Cosmos

When we look out into the Cosmos, the Universe, we are actually looking at a reflection of the vastness of our own being from which we are not separate. The Genius that has made the brilliance of all of the cosmos and nature is the same Intelligence that operates within us, however dormant or unrecognized it may be.
Ignite Cosmic awareness of being and inspire others to do the same.

Recently I had a dream in which I was shown a glimpse of the cosmos. The glimpse revealed to me this very celestial looking constellation that was described as the constellation of "Archimedes". The curious thing about this constellation was that it was in the form (inform) of a double spiral, taking on the appearance of the structure of our DNA. This beautiful image was accompanied by a voice or thought that said something to the effect of "the ancients discovered the secrets to our DNA by studying nature and the Cosmos". But how could this be, the only history that exists is the one that we are taught in school. Right?

Delve into myths in order to understand how the human mind works, with a view to becoming free people, which is to to say, people who act rather then react.

Finding the deeper meaning of this dream wasn't as profound as realizing it's implications.

As soon as I woke up I started looking at the significance of naming this helical constellation Archimedes. I quickly realized that he was a Greek "mathematician and philosopher" who is widely recognized for his introduction of the spiral curve to the world of Greek geometry.

When I told my roommate about this dream, he reminded me that there is a device called "Archimedes screw" which is a simple device to raise water.

Archimedes screw. Looks familiar?

Mathematics is the language of Nature and mathematics in form (inFORMATION) is sound.

DNA, resembling a sound wave, acts as an antenna receiver transmitter of frequencies and information

This led me to several other investigations. One of these investigations helped me realize that there is no "junk" DNA, it all serves a purpose, and our DNA acts in part as an antenna receiver transmitter of frequencies/information. If this is true then lets look at two oscillating frequencies, sine and cosine

Remember, we are 72% salt water. So is the Earth. How do we reconnect with the Earth? Move the h in earth to the front of the word and you have your answer. Because we are 72% salt water I add a small amount of pink stone ground Himalayan salt to the water that I drink. This also electrolyzes the water thus making it conductive. We are only strong conductors of energy when our body has de-accumulated all the toxicity's (herbicides, pesticides, plastics, heavy metals, fluoride, chlorine to name the bare minimum) of the modern lifestyle and accumulated the proper minerals, magnetic current, and hydration. Remember what are minerals? Crystals. By becoming mineralized we become more like a crystal. When a body takes on these qualities one creates the optimal environment to amplify the power of the music of our DNA.

When one studies deep enough into the Kabbalah and the Tree of Life along with the countless other mystical and esoteric traditions one realizes that we have always known these truths! The Tree of Life reflects this truth and one notices it through the deeper study of the tarot and gematria. This discussion on water takes my blog full circle back to the tarot card "The High Priestess" which is represented by the moon that controls the water and is associated with the subconscious, dreams, and memory or Mem. The Hebrew letter Mem is "the king of water" and is represented by "The Hanged Man" which has very interesting symbolic characteristics which is a prominent idea in Heath Ledger's last film, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. This also hints at the fact that water takes (in)formation or has MEMory.

The Tree of Life is essentially a reflection of our own Consciousness.

I use a large clear quartz crystal, a large lodestone (magnetic earth rock), and a large amethyst to inform/structure all of the water I drink. This allows the water to take on its proper crystalline form, making the body more into a crystalline structure. Why do we use quartz (silicon) to make computers memory? Why is it great to use in so many electrical appliances? Because it can hold memory and is a super conductor. When the body becomes more like this, it too can operate from a greater intelligence and conductivity.

The beautiful indigo of amethyst is reminiscent of the third eye

So when the Sufi Mystic Hazrat Inayat Khan said "Music is a miniature of the whole harmony of the Universe" he was right in possibly more ways then he even knew! The significance of an understanding like this is quite profound and, as always, answers only lead to more questions. Can music communicate with our DNA in ways we never could have imagined? Conversely, does our DNA communicate music with our surroundings?

I think so.

If you graph the numbers in any system, patterns emerge.

This discovery, or as I like to call it - uncovery, is just the tip of an iceberg of fascinating research that needs to be conducted into the true working of our world.

The structure of our DNA also reflects the Fibonacci sequence or golden spiral that can be found throughout all of nature. Perhaps for there to be a Golden Age we need to live in harmony with the Golden Mean. Indeed, this is why the swastika's meaning has been so heavily distorted by the powers that be also known as the the mind schism. It is yet another attempt to vilify a symbol of Universal Truth that some theorize was the flag of the last Golden Age which adheres to and celebrates the Golden Mean.

Is it coincidental that the spiral is ubiquitously the most ancient cross-cultural symbol found being drawn by our ancestors?

The fusion of the two worlds is almost complete...Declare your attractions and repulsions...



  1. Brother Dashmesh, I recognize truth in what you say. Universe is well aware of my intentions. Its my hope to lay down my ego and fulfill those intentions.

    Thank you for your blog. I found it inspiring and affirming in my thoughts, as well.




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