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Showing posts from January, 2011

Music and Alchemy

N othing is T rue, E verything is P ermitted Alchemy - The word is derived from the Arabian phrase " al - kimia ," which refers to the preparation of the Stone or Elixir by the Egyptians. The Arabic root " kimia " comes from the Coptic " khem " that alluded to the fertile black soil of the Nile. Esoterically and hieroglyphically , the word refers to the dark mystery of the primordial or First Matter (the Khem ), the One Thing through which all creation manifests. Alchemy , then, is the Great Work of nature that perfects this matter, whether it be expressed as the metals, the cosmos, or the substance of our souls. In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful, must also reflect decay. And unless it wants to break faith with its social function, art must show the world as changeable. And help to change it. - Ernst Fischer From my understanding up until this point, the true alchemist is one who takes on the G reat Work which means to bear the torch of the ...

DNA and the Cosmos

When we look out into the C osmos , the U niverse , we are actually looking at a reflection of the vastness of our own being from which we are not separate. The G enius that has made the brilliance of all of the cosmos and nature is the same Intelligence that operates within us, however dormant or unrec ognized it may be. Ign ite C osmic awareness of being and inspire others to do the same. Recently I had a dream in which I was shown a glimpse of the cosmos. The glimpse revealed to me this very celestial looking constellation that was described as the constellation of "Archimedes". The curious thing about this constellation was that it was in the form ( in form) of a double spiral, taking on the appearance of the structure of our DNA. This beautiful image was accompanied by a voice or thought that said something to the effect of "the ancients discovered the secrets to our DNA by studying nature and the Cosmos ". But how could this be, the only history that exi...