Music is a miniature of the Whole Harmony of theThe universe is governed by the law of vibration and the collective tune of society is a result of the combination of all individual wavelengths. An individual's frequency, or tune, is being constantly adjusted in relation to both conscious and unconscious use of internal and external symbols. Therefore, it is paramount that we feel symbols from the perspective of harmonic resonance. From this perspective our reality consists of a soup of various harmonious and inharmonious vibrations (symbols), to varying degrees.
The world consists of symbols.
Words, thoughts, dreams, music, and advertisements are all made of symbols. Even a piece of fruit is the symbol of the tree and soil it has come from.
The Aboriginals understood this fluid nature of reality with what they describe as Dreamtime. Everything has a dream coming out of it, thus it was understood that the land sings a song that can be felt by those who walk upon it. This dream or song is the culmination of the vibrations imprinted upon it by the activities and thoughts of those who touch it.
Symbols hold resonance
Seeing reality as it actually is means recognizing this simple truth that can be found in mysticism throughout the world. When one sees creation in this way, discernment now becomes a matter of feeling the vibrations emanating from the symbol and deciding whether it is a song or dream that one wants to play. This means true transparency.
The last thing a parasite wants is transparency.
Naturally our bodies are crystalline batteries capable of conducting powerful electromagnetic forces. Normally this human right is taken away starting at birth from a number of angles including, vaccination, diet, and environmental factors such as education, programming (television) and media. Even when this great matrix goes unseen its effects are still ever-present. People are tuned from birth to dream the dream of the nebulous entity that is best summerized as a parasite. It feeds off of our electromagnetic power. This we see. Our collective subconscious seems to be placing clues throughout the media and entertainment world to either entice us into awakening or vaccinate us from the truth. Probably both.
Its time to become lucid.
This multidimensional awareness is the primordial inspiration for a music project I am now embarking on. I intend for this to be my contribution to the Method of Defiance. It is ultimately the Method of Compliance, not with thought structures, with the Universe.
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