I've come to the understanding that the G in freemasonry most likely stands for " Gematria " which is the magical form of geometry. A simple explanation of Gematria is that its a inner-relating system of of assigning numbers to symbols, typically words and phrases, and the way in which these symbols interrelate reveals secrets about the Ageless Wisdom. The Ageless Wisdom or Perennial Philosophy is the golden thread that ties religions and esoteric traditions together. Gematria is known most in conjunction with the Hebrew alphabet which has also influenced our own English language. Take the word alphabet - its derived from the first two Hebrew letters Aleph and Bet. Every Hebrew letter has a numerical value so to determine the gematria of a word you simply add all the numerical values of the letters that comprise the word to come up with the gematria of the word. This is something I will expand on at another time. Hollywood - Holly wood - or Holy wood is a referen...